Channeled journeys

Channeled journeys that guide you multidimensionally to the galaxies and to the realms of the mystics and the angels

I have the gift as a Divine Channel and a Seer to access the akasha, the records of the ancient timelines and those of the cosmos, and to guide you on journeys to the realms of the heart and of the angels and the ascended masters, led by them according to the needs of the group, to places of light and of healing and of inspiration that uplift the heart and the frequency, dissolve the hurt and pain of the heart and inspire to let go and to dissolve all of the past that has held each in limitation and struggle - and to shift, to lift higher, to the highest heart’s dreams and all that each holds as their destiny, their role, their gifts, their mastery - and the empowerment which will shift and lead each to a place of great fulfilment, grace and ease.

We begin with a beautiful sound journey, the dulcet crystalline melodies of the crystal bowls and crystal harp, allowing us to sink gracefully, comfortably into the relaxation that will allow our journeying to realms of light and of the heart and of the angels and masters.

Tuned into the hearts of each in the group, I am shown where the healing, the inspiration is required, and we travel multidimensionally to places of beauty, of healing, of wonder, of hearts’ dreams and of inspiration.

Each journey allows a shift multidimensionally in incremental levels to mastery - to release of ancient and recent blocks and struggles - and inspires with gifts of insight that allow destiny and a life of highest fulfilment to be glimpsed, expanded, and stepped upon.

Information is glimpsed, received - questions asked to receive their answers - glimpses of a higher life, happier life, more fulfilment, less stressful, more joyous life - allow the heart to unburden itself of its doubts and struggles - and to commit, to step forward beyond the struggle - as the records of the akasha are released, dissolved - guided and led in grace and in open-hearted acceptance of a higher life of freedom and of mastery.

We are privileged, always, to participate in the deeper meaning of why we have been called together as a particular group - for our journeys unburden not only each of those in the group of long-held and ancient traumas and blocks - but the portals and the grids planetarily also receive lifting, shifting of ancient traumas - and in the light that we receive, transmitted through us, enlightening us and inspiring us and shifting us multidimensionally - we also play a role for the divine plan in allowing these transmissions of highest frequency and purity to be anchored to the earth, to Gaia, and to her portals.

I have worked with Astrea Sri Ana in Bali and Santorini, sharing her sacred mystery school teachings and activations - and am privileged, when requested by a particular group, to offer her activations, quite intense and multidimensionally activational journeys of the light body and the mastery realms of empowerment - of Lemuria, Atlantis and Ancient Egypt - and of the angelic and galactic mastery realms ( for those who are on the path of the high initiate and seeking to deepen their knowledge and their access to these realms.


I have come to understand my gifts – in ways that are very useful to help others move from great obstacles and challenges and recurring blockages – and to assist them to be placed upon new timelines – and to step into new realities which hold peace and fulfilment. 

Akashic Records 0
Lemuria 0
Atlantis 0
Egypt 0

Bali and Cyprus

Living between two magical islands Bali and Cyprus. Offering together with Astrea Sri Ana, Annie and Alla, Retreats in both the island of beauty and the island of the gods

Sound Guided Journeys

Offering sound guided meditations which lead us deep into the Magnificent Realms through the crystal sounds of Spheres.

Path Of Wholeness -

Transformational workshop working on the levels of emotional, mental, feminine, masculine, divine child, genetic/ancestral/DNA, physical, multidimensional, spiritual, mastery, success, confidence, fulfilment, soul gifts ~

Online Akashic Journeys with Astrea Sri Ana

Currently online Akashic journeys are offered by Mikaella, supported by Astrea Sri Ana, working remotely. A recording of the session is sent to you

Working closely with Astrea Sri Ana in Mystery School Teachings

Mikaella, loved by many, has worked with Astrea to support her sacred mystery schools over several years in Santorini. As her gifts have blossomed into the rare magnificence that she holds - she plays a committed and acknowledged role.– for as a gifted seer and akashic record timeline journeyer – she offers so much to us all, in that which she clears for us during our activations.

The New Earth, New Human Activations

Alla and Mikaella continue to offer live activations of Astrea Sri Ana’s New Human, New Earth series in Cyprus and via ZOOM platform