Energetic Release

Release of all that is stagnant and blocked held in your physical and energic bodies

Energetic Releases

Reiki, energy healing and remedial massage together with the sight of the third eye as a Seer, and ability to see into the physical and energetic bodies, to locate – and to dissolve – and to release the blockages held there.
Allowing the physical integration – to clear, calibrate and integrate the physical and energetic bodies of the memories and traumas that have been released and to allow you to shift, in wholeness – physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually – to match the new level to which your soul is now aligned.

Releasing all that is stagnant and blocked held in your physical and energetic bodies – releasing, recalibrating, aligning all, to allowing your physical body to be freed – and allowing you to receive the higher frequencies and multidimensional soul downloads that will enable you to move forward into your highest soul purpose.

Physical Healings

Physical healings with Annie to complete the restoration and release – through the physical and the energetic bodies – allowing recalibration and alignment – assisting in the release of any stagnant energy and any energy not aligned to your highest soul purpose

Physical Healing 0
Restoration 0
Release 0
Soul Purpose 0

Physical Healer

Annie’ s gifts as a physical healer to allow you to shift, in wholeness – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually

Melbourne Australia

Annie lives in Melbourne, Australia and offers her divine healing sessions there. She also visits regularly Cyprus and Bali for session work

Rarely gifted remedial massage therapist, reiki & energy healer

Annie’s sessions allow the release of all that is stagnant and blocked held in your physical and energetic bodies – releasing, recalibrating, aligning all, to allow your physical body to be freed – and allowing you to receive the higher frequencies and multidimensional soul downloads that will enable you to move forward into your highest soul purpose.

Path of Wholeness

~Working on levels of emotional, mental, feminine, masculine, divine child, genetic/ancestral/DNA, physical, multidimensional, spiritual, mastery, success, confidence, fulfilment, soul gifts ~

Sacred Geometry

Annie is a gifted Seer with sight of the geometries in your field and inter dimensionally. She has created many drawings of powerful sacred geometry.

Gifted Seer

With the ability to see both within the physical body and beyond, multidimensionally, Annie is gifted to release and transform blockages held