Miracle Realms Workshop in Cyprus

Miracle Realms Event Cyprus with

The theme and focus of our retreat is held within the beautiful frequencies of the Holograms from the Miraculous Realms. These frequencies allow us to journey backwards in time to the realms of creation, and to bypass and to dissolve our every blockage and distortion experienced across all realms and realities.

We journey across the timelines - receiving 8 most beautiful activations - and with sound journeys to allow our deep peace and surrender and transformation

  • During the activations we journey to dissolve our past suffering – and to allow our return to our original blueprint and perfection – and to innocence, purity, joy, love, trust and wholeness.
  • Restored in wholeness and purity, now held on our new pathways of ascension – we are able to access miracles to allow us to act now in new ways, without the distortions that in the past have pulled us back into recurring spirals of action and reaction, suffering and distortion.
  • Held on new pathways, whole and peaceful, our dreams and possibilities of miracles and new creation are made possible.


02. 10.2020  Friday


Opening Circle. Introduction


“Divine Heart” Activation


“Flower of Life” Activation




Full Moon Sound Journey under the stars



Dynamic BreathWork and Drum Journey




“Acceptance” Activation




“Forgiveness” Activation




“Miracles” Activation


Tea Break


“Joy” Activation


Full Moon Cacao Ceremony, Circle, Sound Journey



Mountain Hike or Dynamic BreathWork and Drum Journey




“Trust, Interconnection with the Divine” Activation




“Creation” Activation


Sound Journey
Closing Circle

Retreat will take place in a beautiful open space hotel Friendsland located in a mountain area of Louvaras surrounded by pine trees. The space is outside Louvaras village in a quiet forested area with swimming pool, large open space, kitchen and dining area, open-air bar, open-air fire place and lots of trees, naturally shaded and grassed areas.

Participants can choose from the following accommodation options:

Option 1 

Spacious fixed high-ceiling tents equipped with one double bed, table, light and sockets (space for extra foldable or inflatable bed is well available in the tent) – at a cost of 150EUR per tent for two nights

We highly recommend this option as this will give you a chance of deep diving into the retreat mode sharing common experience with the group, chats under the stars in serene environment in the heart of nature and yet in very comfortable well equipped tents

Option 2

Your own tents that can be placed within Friendsland space – at a cost of 25 EUR per person per night

Or you can stay at your home place and join us daily 

Staying with the group for three days is obviously invaluable as we create a space of friendship and atmosphere of joy, love and togetherness.

Please note that accommodation offers limited number of tents and you need to book yours as early as possible.

Please bring the following:

– comfortable clothes for activations and Sound Journeys 

– exercise wear for our morning practices

– comfortable small cushion

– yoga mat or similar that you can lie on during activations and journeys

– two blankets (one to place on your mat for comfort and one to cover)

– a jacket or similar to keep yourself warm and cosy  in this mountain place where it might get chilly at night))

– notebook and pen – you might need it to record your insights

– your favourite treats just to keep yourself super comfy))) 

Various Retreat Packages are available to participants. 

This retreat includes series of channelled activations that are invaluable as a full package as well as individual themes. 

We invite you to experience the full beauty of activations, ceremonies and sound healing meditations attending all three days of the retreat. This gives opportunity to dive deep into yourself, receive all activations and meet new friends, communicate, share, experience sunrises, sunset and observe stars while lying down by the fire in the healing sounds of beautiful galactic instruments.

If you are a busy person and have no chance of joining us for all three days other options are available such as one-day package or even individual activations or sound journeys.

3 Day Retreat Package:  280 EUR
Friday Afternoon Package: 70 EUR
Saturday Full Day Package: 170 EUR
Sunday Morning Package: 70 EUR

Single Activation or Sound Journey: 25 EUR

Reservations are payable in advance.

Please book in advance as number of spaces are very limited. 

To book please contact

Mikaella    yourakashictime@gmail.com

Alla            zotova@cytanet.com.cy

Miracle of Creation Experience

Commitment Required

As you lie down to receive the activation we begin with a deep and beautiful sound journey to allow us to sink
gracefully into peace and relaxation, letting go of all stress and struggle as Alla takes us on a journey with the sounds
of the crystal instruments which balance our physical bodies and attune us with our divine presence. Each tone
resonates with a particular energy centre (chakra) – harmonizing and balancing our physical and energy bodies.
Mikaella takes us on a beautiful guided activation channeled by Astrea, to so many realms, so many realities,
attending to – clearing – and transforming – the blockages, the ancient soul memories, the ancestral and genetic
distortions – so many traumas are cleared and transformed – on so many levels and dimensions of your being.
Astrea sings the language of light to allow the hologram to anchor gracefully through us, and to the earth – in our
sacred places around the world – to shift and heighten the frequencies of the grid of the new world so that all may
receive this support as foundation for the new that lies ahead for us all. And Alla completes the session, taking us on
a deep sound journey with gongs to fully release the distortions which are dissolved from every dimension of our


The Path of the Mystic is a path for those who feel deeply within their heart that they wish to commit to achieving a high level of self mastery.

Sound Journey 0
Cacao Ceremony 0
Astrea Sri Ana light language 0
Activations 0