The Path of the Mystic Bali

THE PATH OF THE MYSTIC sacred mystery school with Astrea Sri Ana ~ Dates to be advised soon

Sacred Mystery School returns to Bali, the island of the Gods

Our 5 day intensive retreat includes:

  • Activation and awakening of your highest potential, putting in place all processes required for the unfolding, activation, healing and restoration of your divine self and your mission upon earth
  • Deep clearing, accelerated release of ancient akashic soul memories, deepest core blocks, wounds, obstacles – identifying the original ancient traumas that result in deep disempowerment in your current life. With the akashic records released, you will no longer attract into your life those recurring experiences and patterns. 
  • Activations with Ascended Masters and Galactic Federation – journeying to key portals, light temples, ancient lifetimes of both core wounding and of illustriousness – to retrieve and dissolve karmic contracts and memories – connecting with and merging with multidimensional nature and higher gifts – angelic presence, galactic presence, Christed planetary presence, divine presence – rebuilding your energy body to original blueprint, reclaiming your highest divine gifts 
  • Sacred geometry codes and holograms
  • Light body repatterning and restoration to original divine blueprint
  • Voice transmissions of the language of light
  • Activations to restore your divine gifts, activate your keepership and divine mission, fulfill your divine potential, and place you upon the highest timeline of your destiny and mission.  A fast-tracking and an acceleration.
  • Manual – practical tool kit of activations and many sacred geometry codes to ease and hold the path steady – clearing the blockages, allowing multidimensional bodies to anchor gracefully.

We hold silence during the workshop, so that your journey is a deeply personal one – and to sustain a high frequency.   The mastery of each participant is acknowledged – all are masters – just at different stages of their journey.

Sacred mystery school is for those who deeply feel the calling to retrieve parts of their multidimensionality, to move forward strongly, dissolving akashic record memories – committing to your sacred path.  It is a path of mastery and remembrance, healing and moving past limitations, accessing layer upon layer of your higher mastery – that may take years to unfold – requiring serious commitment.  

The sacred mystery school experience

Our days are quite full (8.30am to 5.15pm) and fast packed with many activations to receive – lying comfortably as we journey deeply to the realms of the Ascended Masters, and ancient lifetimes of Lemuria, Atlantis and Ancient Egypt, to the Hall of the Records of the Akasha, and to galactic lifetimes – to dissolve the unresolved akashic records – and to reclaim the divine gifts of your soul.  


On day 2, you will receive a channeled reading from the Ascended Masters, given the name you are known by in the higher realms – your divine spiritual name – and also the title of your keepership and an outline of the special gifts and powers that you hold within that expression of your divinity which you have expressed in all of your great lifetimes

You will draw a sacred encodement to anchor your keepership to earth and create a sacred mantra – and sing this during the portal ceremony on our final day, to activate your life mission.

 You will receive a repatterning, restoration and activation of each of your chakras, your galactic chakra column, the diamond plates of each dimension of your being and the individual crystals and vortexes and gateways of your light body.

 You will become aware of those which are your deepest core patterns, that over the course of your life, and previous lifetimes, have played out in limitation, sadness, disempowerment and lack of belief in yourself and your abilities.  As a high initiate you will have had earth lifetimes where you have endured experiences of suffering and lack of self-trust and self-love – patterns of behavior which, no matter how hard you have tried to resolve these in this lifetime, persist, disempowering and creating suffering.  Likely these originate from a very deep experience in an ancient lifetime, particularly in Lemuria, Atlantis and Ancient Egypt – and also to the time of separation from God – held deeply hidden within your core.  Working with the akashic records offers the ‘delete’ button to allow the core of these deepest of ancient experiences and memories to dissolve.

 Working with the karmic records is an ongoing process. Your first priority as a high initiate is to release yourself of all karma and all disempowering patterns.  In this freeing, you are increasingly able then to allow your divinity to shine through.

 Each time that you release a karmic record, the family of light spontaneously allows the anchoring into your being of another of your soul gifts – in the vacuum which is created as the distortion in your energies lifts and clears.

 As the engrained patterns of your life also lift and release, life becomes more peaceful and former challenges depart – allowing you more and more to embody your divinity and to share your divine gifts with all humanity.

 Those who are seers have wondrous experiences during many of the activations as we journey throughout the galaxies and to the ancient lifetimes. And some are able to experience the deep energies and the psychic healing and repatterning that occurs.  But for all, the energies are strong, sometimes heavy – and also often of great heart opening and tears and joy. 

 You may slip in and out of a deep dreamlike state – and will awaken from time to time to have knowledge of some specific information which is important for you.

 Many encodements of sacred geometry are used which will fast-track the healing and restoration of your sacred nature.  Sacred geometry codes are the gift Astrea brings to the earth plane – the gift of ability to see energy as geometry and to repattern the electro-magnetic field of your energy body to its original divine blueprint – with many, many codes drawn which are used to repattern the light body to original creation blueprint – and many codes to use in your daily practice

 We create a group energy of initiates, strongly and lovingly able to receive all that has already been achieved in mastery by those who have walked ahead.  You are able to receive a great acceleration not possible when doing this work alone.

 Astrea is a divine channel of the Creation Blueprints and Elohistic realms, and deep repatterning and restoration of the electro-magnetic field of your energies is received through voice transmissions of the language of light which channel the geometries of the universe, restoring to original divine blueprint.

 You will receive an activation of the Seer, Rainbow Bridge Channel or Akashic Recordkeeper, depending on your choice.

Commitment Required

Strength returns – and peace – as old patterns of distress and limitation fall away – replaced by beautiful gifts and the return of full trust in God and the support of soul family who stand beside you in this walk to the return of your original magnificence.

If you feel drawn to sacred mystery school and to Bali , then please join us for what will be a most wonderful experience.

Always a particular group is called to come together to play their role.  The place calls strongly – the call is heard – and acted upon.  And a beautiful group with particular gifts, particular experiences to clear – joins together – a soul group together once more – and lifetime friendships regained. A commitment to yourself is required to commence this work, with your priority your own self growth and evolution to mastery.

There is the willingness required of you to acknowledge your deepest patterns and to heal these.

Your light body and all of the crystals and chakras within will receive activation and commence rebuilding and restoration to original divinity.  Your galactic presence will commence its restoration – anchoring to earth through you in all its magnificence. You will commence to reconnect with all of the illustrious lifetimes, healing the memories and wounds of these times, and restoring, reclaiming the beautiful gifts.

You will commence a process which cannot be walked away from – and discipline is required, and commitment to this path you walk.  Discipline is required to create a routine and to work with the tools and codes you are given – clearing distortions and memories from your energies and your light body – restoring, healing.

There may be disruption to your life, for you have commenced a process of deep restoration. All that is distorted, all that does not resonate with your new path of restoration will no longer be in alignment with you and so there is possibility of disturbance.  As memories of ancient lives return – for as new bodies of light anchor within you their soul memories also return – there is the need to use the tools and codes you are given – to clear these distortions and memories.

The Path of the Mystic is a path for those who feel deeply within their heart that they wish to commit to achieving this level of self-mastery.

With so much love


The Path of the Mystic

The Path of the Mystic is a path for those who feel deeply within their heart that they wish to commit to achieving a high level of self mastery.

Sacred Geometries 0
Keepership 0
Activations 0
Sound healing 0


Arrival dates

To be advised soon

Flights to Bali

International flights to Bali will land at Ngurah Rai International Airport (Denpasar Airport).


5 days tuition includes 

  1. Lunch
  2. Manual

Email for prices and early bird price

​More details for Accomodation will come soon .


Email us for more information on Cancellation


Healthy vegetarian lunch is included in the 5 days of the Sacred Mystery School tuition. Please advise us as early as possible if you have any food allergies. 


The temperatures in January are usually very warm. The average temperature is 26°C

What to wear
We recommend light, comfortable, natural fibre clothes as you will spend much time lying down receiving activations, and loose trousers are comfortable and perfect. A sarong to place over your body will keep you cosy. 

What to bring
The activations are received while lying down. Bring a small light mattress or yoga mat and sleeping bag, as you will be spending hours daily lying down and need to be comfortable.  Feel free to bring anything else you feel would enhance your comfort during each activation (light blanket, sarong, socks).


After six sacred mystery schools in Santorini, in January 2021 Astrea Sri Ana will offer once more sacred mystery school in beautiful Bali, the island of the gods


During our retreats you get the chance to meet beautiful people from all around the world and keep in contact and become friends in this lifetime

Mount Agung

We have tentatively arranged a beautiful venue at a very low-key and beautiful eco-retreat in the north of Bali by the side of the ocean and with the sacred mountain Gunung Agung feeling so close you can almost touch it. The energy there is high, clear and sacred.

Galactic Federation Mystery Scool

Astrea Sri Ana channeled many, many of the Ascended Masters as well as those from the Galactic Federation. All the sacred mystery school activations were channeled, about 25 extraordinary channels to clear all sorts of karma and karmic memories and to activate various parts of the light body and to restore to divine magnificence.