The Path of the Masters

The Path of the Mystic becomes The Path of the Masters. The Mystic becomes the Master. Astrea Aurora and Mikaella .~ Dates to be advised soon

A new upgraded level of sacred mystery school training will be offered. The Path of the Mystic becomes The Path of the Masters. The Mystic becomes the Master. Accelerated evolution of high initiates who are the new humans of the new world.

The Path of the Masters takes the embodiment of light body further – it’s a very accelerated path – and actually allows the higher bodies of light to be received and embodied – Angelic presence, Galactic presence, Christed Planetary presence, Universal presence, Cosmic presence, God presence.

A gifted Akashic Recordkeeper and Seer, gifted with sight of the past Mikaella will work in an interactive way with the initiates during each activation, observing as the multidimensional chakras and bodies of light download, and also the gifts of power, the rods and jewels of protection and of power, and the etheric crowns and robes which mark levels of great initiations of mastery, and also the psychic gifts anchored in crystals in the light bodies.  With vision of the masters and angels of light, Mikaella will tell us which of the Ascended Masters are by our side as those who are closest to us and who support us in our mission council.

Working with the akashic records, Mikaella is shown the karmic records, and describes these briefly, the experiences of trauma and where they occurred.  Initiates will write a short list of their major disempowering patterns – and working in an interactive way we will dissolve the records etherically and physically.

As we progress through the various activations, each initiate will receive knowledge and description of the embodiments that are being received, so that they gain the trust and security that they have indeed embodied these higher presences.

Once international travel is again possible and graceful, we will take this workshop to the world.  Cyprus?  Bali?  Russia? Dubai?  Wherever we are called, we are willing.

Mikaella and the Cyprus connection - akashic journeys - workshops and sessions

Mikaella as an initiate and beloved began to work with me a few years ago, attending several sacred mystery schools in Santorini where she was living at the time.  She discovered that the gifts she had held since birth were rare and powerful.  We came to understand that we were destiny partners and began to work closely, offering workshops in Cyprus and in Bali.  And she supports me for sacred mystery school trainings, clearing many akashic records and soul extensions with their traumas and records of past lifetimes for each initiate during the many activations.

As her gifts clarified and strengthened –  gifted to be able to see the past of those who seek akashic sessions with her – to be taken to the exact trauma memory and place and time of their major disempowerments, and to dissolve these records and traumas – we began to work together in group workshops and in private sessions.

I have continued to support her akashic record sessions for clients, most beautiful work, for she has the gift to see the past and the future, and to dissolve the great traumatic and disempowering lifetimes which usually are of Lemuria, Atlantis and Ancient Egypt, with sometimes lifetimes in Mayan times and many also in France during the time of the Cathars and the Inquisition, when many pure lightworkers, especially women playing roles as healers and pure ones, were gathered up and exterminated cruelly.

Have learned so much about the sufferings of lightworkers through supporting her akashic sessions – we have gained an overview of each of the traumas and disempowerments of humanity and especially of lightworkers over many incarnations and life missions.  I love this support work, so fascinating to know of how we have each suffered and how the earliest traumas have compounded and continue to disempower and sadden each of us, for the records and memories and traumas are unresolved.  As Mikaella dissolves the karmic cords and timelines and records of the ancient past, new life, new patterns, new beginnings are now created.  Most beautiful and powerful work.

Path of the masters

A new upgraded level of sacred mystery school training will be offered. The Path of the Mystic becomes The Path of the Masters. The Mystic becomes the Master. Accelerated evolution of high initiates who are the new humans of the new world.


During our retreats you get the chance to meet beautiful people from all around the world and keep in contact and become friends in this lifetime

Galactic Federation Mystery Scool

Astrea Sri Ana channeled many, many of the Ascended Masters as well as those from the Galactic Federation. All the sacred mystery school activations were channeled, about 25 extraordinary channels to clear all sorts of karma and karmic memories and to activate various parts of the light body and to restore to divine magnificence.